State Library of Victoria Talk on Edna Walling now on ABC RADIO BIG IDEAS 8 October 2024 8.05pm
Front cover of Spirit of the Garden published by the National Library of Australia.
Bobundara featured in ‘The Planthunter: Truth, Beauty, Chaos and Plants’ by Georgina Reid
ABC Radio National Big Ideas Tuesday 8 October at 8.05 pm broadcasti of talk from April at State Library Victoria on the life and work of Edna Walling…panel discussion with two others including Sara Hardy..Now available to listen on ABC Big Ideas Podcast.
ADFAS (Arts National) BOWRAL Tuesday 25 February 2025
ADFAS (Arts National) Shoalhaven Thursday 27 February, 2025 at Berry
ADFAS (Arts National) ALBURY - Monday 17 November 2025
Delighted to have my most recent book published by the National Library of Australia: Spirit of the Garden.
‘The essence of a garden is that invisible weave of so many elements … the interplay of people with nature and landscape.’ In a series of written reflections, interwoven with my photographs, there are reflections on the relationship that exists between ourselves, our gardens and the natural landscape with the underlying message being the need to understand and respect the environment in our garden making.
Cutting my teeth researching the philosophy and landscapes of Edna Walling along with studies in Landscape Design and travelling throughout Australia and abroad meeting with designers, gardeners and artisans researching, interviewing and photographing has honed my interest to how we all have different responses to gardens and landscape. I find the most vital element of a garden is its atmosphere…and am fascinated exploring how various people and places create feelings and meaning beyond the mere beauty of plants.
Georgina Reid from The PlantHunter and Wonderground launched the book at the Australian Landscape Conference in Melbourne on Saturday 20th March, 2021. I first met Georgina when she was researching and writing her groundbreaking Thames & Hudson book The Planthunter: Truth, Beauty, Chaos and Plants by Georgina Reid with photographer Daniel Shipp. I had the pleasure of both their company for a few days and was so delighted to be included in their book.
Read issue #43 of The Planthunter, Trisha Dixon's secret garden here
Such a privilege to have one of my Monaro images on front cover of good friend Charles Massy's new groundbreaking book Call of the Reed Warbler which is such an inspiring read and has been reprinted many times since its recent publication. Look for talk at a writers festival or other venue by the author who is in strong demand as public speaker. Published by University of Queensland Press and in the US by Chelsea Green.
Article in Canberra Times Tuesday October 25, 2016 by Susan Parsons (page 8 Good Food)
Interview with Sophie Hansen and Skye Manson, My Open Kitchen Podcast Series 2, Episode 3 January 31, 2017.